
21 enero 2005

Blah blah blah

Wow! What a day. Today I got to take in a new lady. I thankfully think that I finally have the procedure down, well almost...I flet like "The Flash" most of the day. OK, so I ate way too much for dinner. Of course around here Thursdays are THE NIGHT to eat. The lady who cooks totally goes all out. Yum. Then I went to Bible study. It was so refreshing to be with people my own age and that are at a similar place in life. We studied Ecc. 1 & 2. Good stuff. Then one of the guys asked me about Nashvegas and if I'd ever met any famous people. I mentioned that I met Amy Grant once. OH MY GOSH, dude was sooooooo excited. I don't think he'll remember my name (well, actually, I'm not sure who all will actually get my name correct b/c there were like 2 Katies, Kate, Krista, Carrie, etc. Kinda crazy) but my cool point meeter is totally through the roof with him. lol. So, Kate and I stopped at Quick Trip (it's big stuff 'round here) to get drinks and what do I do? Lock my keys in the car and my cell phone was in the car too...needless to say we were in the store for about and hour waiting on the lady to bring the keys. I think the guy who worked there was about to ask us to go clubbing....ugh. So, that was my night. I could write a book about all the craziness I've had here.

OK, so on a serious not...I know, time to get spiritual...let's talk about identity. My official job is a "Missionary" but you know. we are to be that all the time. Even if we don't have the officail NAMB or IMB or whatever title. Our flesh has been crucified (see Gal. 2:20) and it's by faith that we live. The things of this world, the wealth, fame, money, etc, etc, they will all be gone with our time comes to leave the earth (See Ecc. 1&2). How to often we find ourselves concerned about the world opinions and standards when in reality, we, the "Little Christs" have a perfect standard to uphold. However, this standard can't be reached on it's own, that's where we have to lay it all down before the Lord! (Easier said then done and trust me I'm pointing a finger at myself too). It's so easy to think that we really know Him because we are serving Him but in essence we haven't given Him the time of day. I don't know about you, but I want to know Him. I want His desires to be my desires. I want to go where He leads. Although, sometimes I fight and argue against what I know He's called me to do (see Romans 7). But it all boils down to this, I am His. I must continue to lay it down-my wants, desires, pride, selfishness, etc...I have to let it go. God is jealous and we must give Him what He deserves. We are His and identified with Him. I am so glad that He, thankfully, forgives us and takes as is(see 1st John 1:9)- no matter what background we come from. He is bigger than our problems or present circumstancs (see 2nd Cor. 4:16-18). He loves us no matter what. He will be glorified, no matter what. It's all about His business and I just happen to be a vessel that He uses. I am identified by Him. I am His!

Ok, enough. it's time for bed!