
26 agosto 2005


The past week has really been a whirlwind. I am back in Tulsa and have started back working full time. Boy, what a crazy week. All that I had forgotten quickly came back to me. We had a lady throw a fit and I was called the rudest person ever. All that to say; I’m glad to be back. I can’t wait to really get to know these ladies and their stories. I love being around the children, precious. It was also nice to be back at a church that actually has people my age who aren’t in college but aren’t really in the “singles” group yet! Tonight I got to hang out with Lindsay (her husband was working late so she was able to get away) and Kate. What precious coworkers! Yeah for Cold Stone Ice Cream and the dollar movie theater!

Please be in prayer for the shelter. The enemy is really trying his best to get at some of my coworkers. If I were to tell you of all the stuff that is happening, it would require another blog…

In other news, I found out today that I will be moving to Mexico to teach MKs! Yay! I can’t believe it’s really happening. I’ve been talking and praying about doing this for about a year or so, if not longer. It’s really going to happen. I need to learn Spanish! I’m excited and I’m terrified, but I know that is exactly where God wants me to be and I can’t argue with that. I’ll go home on Oct. 15 and spend some time with the family. I will spend from Oct. 31- Dec 16 in VA. I will go home for my sister’s birthday and Christmas, then I will head to Mexico on Dec. 30. New Year, New Country. ¡Mire fuera de México!