
06 octubre 2006

"Don't judge a book by it's cover"

or should I say, "Don't judge an apartment by it's building"

God is good! It looks like we may have a new place that we actually like even better! However, the building it's in is soooooooo ugly. It's painted an odd shade of pink and white (fyi- here in Mexico buildings and houses are painted in any and every color). The paint is chipping off and super dirty but the apartment is so nice, the rent is less, it's not as high up, the roof is just about 10 steps away, and the kitchen is a decent size (aka we won't have to pots in the oven! here in Mexico, kitchens tend to be very small, even in large houses)! All we have to do now is go through all the paper work stuff...so, pray that everything comes together. This place really seems to be a blessing. The lady who showed us the apartment was so friendly and she lives a floor or 2 below. Pray that everything comes together!