Quick Update
Things are still going well! My roomates are wonderful and continue to be a GIANT help to me, with just about everything. I am a little frustrated with the language but that is to be expected. School is great. I love teaching such small classes. My teamate here have been wonderful in helping be get thing together. I finally got my stuff from the cargo lot at the airport. What drama. It only tooks us 3 trips total to get it. Thankfully, I was able to get everything back. Can you believe that I live in a city with over 28 million people? It blows my mind each and every day that God has called me to this place where at moments I seem to be a face in the millions.
haha...GIANT...Uncle Elbert would be proud :)
Embabazi, at 12:49 p.m., enero 31, 2006
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