
30 enero 2005

My life be like....

Ok, so it's just after 4am...that's right folks, Casey is working the 3rd shift. It's kinda crazy b/c nothing is going on. I guess that's a good thing b/c there is no stinkin telling what could go on. I kinda hate that I'll be a zombie in 3 hours when I get off and I don't think that I should drive my car to church for safety reasons, hopefully, the Gathering tongight will do, but gosh I hate missing church. I guess if I did go, I'd struggle to stay awake. Anyways...

Things these days are going well. In just a few short days I will have been here in OK a month. Boy does time fly, before I know it'll be May and time to head to SC. Gosh, let me just say that these women break my heart each and every day. I don't know if they realize that or not but they do. I am still in awe that God would allow me to be His sevant here, which I totally love. Those of you know me well and know my heart well, this place is totally my heart. I get to be a servant 24/7 (not that I wouldn't be if I weren't here but I'm surrounded, entrapped by my mission field...well, then again, aren't we all in some way or another!) I mean we are His ambassadors (2nd 5:17+)Here's a great quote, don't know who it's from "Missions is everywhere there are people and people are everywhere". Good stuff!

"In missionary work the great danger is that God’s call will be replaced by the needs of the people, to the point that human sympathy for those needs will absolutely overwhelm the meaning of being sent by Jesus. The needs are so enormous, and the conditions so difficult, that every power of the mind falters and fails. We tend to forget that the one great reason underneath all missionary work is not primarily the elevation of the people, their education, nor their needs, but is first and foremost the command of Jesus Christ—"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations . . ." ( Matthew 28:19 )." Oswald Chambers, fr. My Utmost for His Highest Oct. 26

How stickin true! I'm a huge fan of Chamber's writings!Ok, so yeah, that's it for now...no profound thoughts for the moment!

Peace out!