
03 diciembre 2005

More RaNdOm pics!

Here are some more random pics. I promise an update of substance in the near future.

Who know what this little diddy is? Any guesses?

Does this help?

Hangin' out with Eloise. If you haven't seen her missions promo videos, you so need to see them. Way too funny. Let's just say that she's the hippest grandmas around. Fo' Rizzles.

We went on a Safari to Africa?! Ok, well, maybe we're haning out in Gordon Fort's office at the IMB? (Left to Right- Heather. Erika, animal head, Carlos, Josh-behind, Lily, Fort, front row- Nolan, and me- yes I know my eyes are cloes. They have a funny way of doing that just about every time I'm in a picture.)


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