
30 enero 2006


I've been tagged. Here goes:

Four jobs you have had in your life:

  1. Day Care Worker/Baby sitter
  2. Info desk person (for like a week or so)
  3. Camp Track Leader
  4. Teacher (of course # 1 and #3 can be included in this one)
Four movies you could watch over and over again:
  1. The Princess Bride
  2. Sense and Sensibility
  3. Napoleon Dynamite (it gets funnier every time!)
  4. EverAfter
Four TV shows you love to watch:
  1. The Cosby Show (hands down, the best TV show EVER!)
  2. Extreme Makeover Home Edition (ahh, what a sweet show. I think I cry every time).
  3. Jeopardy- the best game show, ever!
  4. Anyhing TLC!
Four places you have been on vacation (ranked according to preference):
  1. Greece! Amazing!
  2. Florida- I have lots of family that live there and I don't get to see them very often.
  3. NY City (where I first fell in love with big city life!)
  4. Phoenix, AZ
Four websites you visit daily:
  1. Hotmail- got to know what's going on in the world!
  2. 2 to 4. Various blogs of some of my favorite people (way more than 4!)
Four of your favorite foods:
  1. Chocolate in any shape or form!
  2. Just about anything made with chicken.
  3. Anything made from potatoes.
  4. Tacos al pastor ( real Mexican tacos, that is! They're so wonderful!)
Four people you are tagging:
  1. E.B.
  2. Jo
  3. Sarah
  4. Haley

There you go! Those of you tagged must now include this info on your site or else! (ok, maybe not or else, but you know!)

I will post a real update sooner or later.


  • Cool and cool that you know who it is. i've been noticing something, and out of curiosity, go to my xanga site, http://xanga.com/abrasseau and tell me what you would do.

    By Blogger mic, at 12:38 p.m., febrero 01, 2006  

  • oh, ya. i saw the tag on ur site and was thankful it did not bleed into mine.

    By Blogger mic, at 12:40 p.m., febrero 01, 2006  

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