
31 enero 2005

Stepping aside...

Ok, so today I totally had to play the role of mean house parent. I hate that, but the rules were being broken and so I did what I had to do, which was to totally step aside of my nice, easy going nature and put my foot down. I felt so horrible that I had to be stern, but it had to be done. I love these women so much but what has to be done has to be done. Gosh, makes me think about God and how He punished those He had to throughout the old testament. man, man, man. One lesson I'm learning here is that sometimes in ministry you have to put your foot down. It's a tough one to learn but in this type of setting it is so necessary. I am just thankful that the night is over and that the lady and I had a good talk and were able to leave on good terms, for the most part. I know I did what I had to do and I hope and pray that with my stern actions she sees Christ in that. This is one crazy day that makes me so thankful that His mercies are new every morning!!!!

Anyways, please be in prayer for DSV b/c there are a ton of guests and staff getting sick. 2 little babies are in the hospital with RSV. Also, one of the older ladies who works here is in the hospital as well. That only names a few of the things. We have pneumonia (SP???), bronchitis, flu, etc, etc. One of the guests who has step throat is due to have her baby any day now.

