
05 marzo 2005

Some things I love about DSV

Ok, so y'all have had the privilege of listening to my struggles but above all there are so many wonderful things about what I do. I want to share those blessing with you. So, here they are:

1. The guests. Although they can frustrate me, they are precious and I grow to love them more and more every day. I praise God for the opportunites I get to spend with them, whether it's being silly or serious. They have needs and I get to be used by God to meet those needs. What a privilege!

2. Their children. There are some days I think I ask the questions "Where is you mom?" and "Why aren't you with her?" a million and one time and I see many tantrums thrown. But, they make me smile. They are so precious and it's not thier fault they are in this situation. I look foward to their knee hugs every day! The other day I got dubbed as "Cakey" by a 2 year old girl! It was so sweet. I mean, who doesn't enjoy loving on children or sitting and watching the most beautiful babies ever as they sleep? What lessons we can learn from these children!

3. The staff. I love being able to work with like minded people! It in many ways is like working at camp- tons of personalities (well, except for the fact that in age we range from 23 to 80). My co-workers rock! Except for the fact that they are on a mission to get me the "hook up" (well, not all of them but most...cracks me up. Now the guest have gotten the same idea as well. I usually just laugh at them and remind them that I'm leaving in May or course the response to that is "You'll be back, the last semester missionary was here for two year")

4. The volunteers. There is a volunteer couple that sold thier home and moved up here to serve. I mean, what more can you say. Most of the regular volunteers work their tales off to help us get things done. We couldn't survive with out them!

5. The environmnet. It's such a blessing to live and work in a place where the presence of God is very evident. I don't know that I've been in any other shelter that is as loving. It's been amazing to watch these ladies grow spiritually as well as mentally and physically. Don't get me wrong, there have been some "moments" but thankfully, those are rare.

6. Some many blessings and yet a ton of the time I am way to busy to notice. God is really showing me about what it means to balance the physical tasks that must be done with the spiritual duty that I have to these ladies. I guess you could say learning to balance between Mary and Martha.