
20 mayo 2008

Seasons come and Season go...

Since graduating college I have called many places “home”…Nashville, Memphis, Charleston, Tulsa, Mexico City. Every time I get used to my environment, for whatever reasons, it’s time to go again. My mom and step dad have redone the house. I don’t even have my own bed anymore. My dad lives in FL and moved there while I was in Mexico. Things aren’t what there were when I left. Of course, neither am I.

So, what is home? I know that the Word tells us that we believers are not citizens of this earth. “But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ” Philippians 3:20. I am also reminded that Paul had no real earthly “home” nor did Jesus. I think that with longing to feel at home comes a longing to feel accepted, valued, etc.

In Mexico, at first I was very aware that I was different. Eventually, all of those things that I thought were so weird became normal. Then I came back to the states and the same thing happened. Now I find myself very comfortable with most aspects of USA life and yet not comfortable at all. I don’t feel as if anyone quite “gets” me. BUT regardless of how I feel or how emotional I am, or how many times I talk about Mexico, what really matters is being found at HOME in HIM. As I looked back on my journeys in this blog, I couldn’t help but notice an overriding them. He was there. He was the consistency in my life with yet another season had come and gone. He will continue to be there as I finish out this season and He will be there as the next one starts. I long to be “home”…

05 mayo 2008

Livin la vida loca (but the good kind)....

Hey folks! Things here in Memphis are rolling. Summer is here. School is out (well, at least at the U of M, I still have a paper to finish writing). I love my job even though some days I have no idea what I'm doing. There's nothing more exciting then encouranging other to pursue after His heart for the nations! And speaking of the nations, can I say just how pupmed I am to have an opportunity to go to Guatemala and Uruguay this summer! Of course, part of my heart is very much still in Mexico. I miss it- the people, my friends, getting kisses, the traffic, the weather, my students, house church, teaching English classes, the other missionaries, the food, etc. I am praying about what to do come January. The Lord has given me some amazing opportunities but I don't want to settle. I want pursue after His best. They are all good...but what is best. I feel like I'm graduating again because this term is only for 1 year. This life the Lord gives us is fool of seasons different kinds. This season of my life is very much about waiting on Him and His timing. I think I get into that "instant gratification" mind set and I forget that waiting is good. In "Oh, the Places You'll Go", the waiting place is called useless but as children of God, active waiting is not useless, it has a purpose. It prepares us for what's next. God molds us and shapes us during that time.

Just a quick update because it's been a while!
