
14 julio 2006


FYI (Mom!):

Next week I'll be in Puebla (about 2 hours south of Mexico City) and then the following week I'll be in Leon which is further north.

Happy Birthday July 25th to Jo and Eva!!!!!!!
(so I don't forget in all the craziness i have coming up)
You 2 rock my face off! I couldn't as for better, more like minded friends! Remember when we met just before 3rd grade at bellevue steelers cheerleading?! I thank God for both of you! Remember our "runs" through your neighborhood during our senior year in college...man how I actualy looked forward to running! Wow, do we have history!! Love you both sooo much and miss you just as much. One day well manage to all be on the same continent! Feliz cumpleanos!

and the randomeness continues...

First of all only a few of you may get this comment, but oh well. I
s it just me or do the mexican pinatas of spiderman and batman look like StrongBad from http://www.homestarrunner.com ?

Learing to dance...

A few weeks ago I went to a little international fiesta at the house of one of my spanish classmates. There was a guy there from Korea who was a salsa dancing teacher. My friends decided that we need to have some lessons. I had fully planned on just watching and not participating. However, they ended up need just one more female and I was the only able body female there not dancing. Needles to say I was forced. Thankfully, it was only a teaching lesson and not like the vision I have of my head of salsa from the movies. Anyways, the few times I danced with the teacher it so much easier. I could tell what move he was going to make before he made it becaue he would give a little tug. He lead me. All this got me thinking about spiritual application. So, here goes...God is like the dance instructor. He leads us. He has given us His word as a guid but more than that, He is right beside us. When just have to be patient to feel his tugging and not get busy with our own agendas. This life we are living is like a dance and He is the partner who is leading!!

05 julio 2006

Deep thoughts..

6 months in Mexico! Crazy!

Why is it that the bus drivers play bad American muscic and I go around singing the songs for days?

Why is it that whenever I want to take a taxi, I can't manage to find one that's free and when ever I don't want one, there are plenty ready to give me a lift?

01 julio 2006

Summer Fun!

Well, the past few weeks have been crazy. My brain is a jumple of spanglish these days. This coming week is the end of my spanish class at CU...which means a final exam. I would now say that my spanish has moved from nonexistent to functional. Yesterday I managed to take a bus from CU (50 centavos) to the metro (2 pesos), and then take a combi (a van type thing that's used like a small bus, 4 pesos) to the northwest part of the city. The trip took 2 hours(and I was still in the same city) and I even mangaed to ask directions (in spanish) and I uderstood what they said when they answered me!! yay!! I have also started meeting once a week with a kid to help him practice english. His mother is quickly becoming a good friend. Please pray for opportunities for me to share with them. I have also started meeting with another lady once a week to help her with english. The wonderful thing about her is that she lives in my neighborhood! It's nice not having to run around the city to meet up with someone. After next week my life will be spent at the school attepmting to get lesson plans ready for the upcoming school year as well as putting up bulletin boards and getting my classroom into shape. This will be my first offical classroom. Please pray that I have wisdom is dealing with the students.

oh, on a random note. In spanish class, we had to give a speech to the class about hour home country, state, or city. Well, needless to say, all the Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Palestenian, and Bulgurian people got to experience a song we call Rocky Top. It was an experience they won't easily forget!