
31 enero 2005

Stepping aside...

Ok, so today I totally had to play the role of mean house parent. I hate that, but the rules were being broken and so I did what I had to do, which was to totally step aside of my nice, easy going nature and put my foot down. I felt so horrible that I had to be stern, but it had to be done. I love these women so much but what has to be done has to be done. Gosh, makes me think about God and how He punished those He had to throughout the old testament. man, man, man. One lesson I'm learning here is that sometimes in ministry you have to put your foot down. It's a tough one to learn but in this type of setting it is so necessary. I am just thankful that the night is over and that the lady and I had a good talk and were able to leave on good terms, for the most part. I know I did what I had to do and I hope and pray that with my stern actions she sees Christ in that. This is one crazy day that makes me so thankful that His mercies are new every morning!!!!

Anyways, please be in prayer for DSV b/c there are a ton of guests and staff getting sick. 2 little babies are in the hospital with RSV. Also, one of the older ladies who works here is in the hospital as well. That only names a few of the things. We have pneumonia (SP???), bronchitis, flu, etc, etc. One of the guests who has step throat is due to have her baby any day now.



30 enero 2005

Randomness! YAY!

Ok- it's now 5:30 and I have a wonderful thought to share with ya!

"Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, Awesome Cross '98"

Ok, bye

My life be like....

Ok, so it's just after 4am...that's right folks, Casey is working the 3rd shift. It's kinda crazy b/c nothing is going on. I guess that's a good thing b/c there is no stinkin telling what could go on. I kinda hate that I'll be a zombie in 3 hours when I get off and I don't think that I should drive my car to church for safety reasons, hopefully, the Gathering tongight will do, but gosh I hate missing church. I guess if I did go, I'd struggle to stay awake. Anyways...

Things these days are going well. In just a few short days I will have been here in OK a month. Boy does time fly, before I know it'll be May and time to head to SC. Gosh, let me just say that these women break my heart each and every day. I don't know if they realize that or not but they do. I am still in awe that God would allow me to be His sevant here, which I totally love. Those of you know me well and know my heart well, this place is totally my heart. I get to be a servant 24/7 (not that I wouldn't be if I weren't here but I'm surrounded, entrapped by my mission field...well, then again, aren't we all in some way or another!) I mean we are His ambassadors (2nd 5:17+)Here's a great quote, don't know who it's from "Missions is everywhere there are people and people are everywhere". Good stuff!

"In missionary work the great danger is that God’s call will be replaced by the needs of the people, to the point that human sympathy for those needs will absolutely overwhelm the meaning of being sent by Jesus. The needs are so enormous, and the conditions so difficult, that every power of the mind falters and fails. We tend to forget that the one great reason underneath all missionary work is not primarily the elevation of the people, their education, nor their needs, but is first and foremost the command of Jesus Christ—"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations . . ." ( Matthew 28:19 )." Oswald Chambers, fr. My Utmost for His Highest Oct. 26

How stickin true! I'm a huge fan of Chamber's writings!Ok, so yeah, that's it for now...no profound thoughts for the moment!

Peace out!

22 enero 2005


Ok, so I want to start off by saying that I have met the most random mix of people here in Tulsa. Let's see- there's a girl who just got back from Scotland, a weather lady for a local station, a guy who runs a funeral home and loves it, and a guy who catches shop-lifters for Wal-Mart...and the cool thing is that they are all Christians! How fun is that! I am so thankful that we have fairly quickly found a place to plug in where there are people at similar places in their lives. What a HUGE blessing!

Life at the shelter is great. These women and children break my heart. I can't imagine what it must be like in their shoes. Working here makes me think just about how much God's love really does transend any barrier or any sin and how much bigger He is than our present circumstances...

So I tried to post something last night but I somehow erased it so hopefully this one will make it up...

Check out this scripture:

"Then the Lord said,'Because this people draw near with their words and honor Me with their lip service, but they remove their hearts far from Me, and their reverence for Me consists of tradition learned by rote...' "Isaiah 29:13

Gosh, how true is that scripture even in our times. It totally makes me think about the Greek Orthdox church and what I saw and felt while in Greece. They were the epitomy of this verse. I think it can be seen too in many churches, no matter what denomination. It can also be see in the lives of individuals. It also makes me think of the whole "You can talk the talk but can you walk the walk". How easy it is for us to get caught up with saying the right things and doing the right things, that we totally forget what it's all about. (*finger points to self*). I don't know about you but I want more of Him than just what's been passed down as tradition. I want my heart to be complety abandoned to Him. Reckless abandonmnet to my Savior! How much of what we cling to and think is important is all vanity...completly worthless(see Ecc. 1&2). It's crazy to think we are so very like the people this word word was given too. I praise God because He is consistent and never changing!(Hebrews 13:8)His grace is sufficient!(2nd Cor. 12:9)He is what I need to get me through each and every and I hope and pray that you feel the same way!

Here are some scriptures that come to mind:

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, oh Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer" Psalm 19:14

"Search me, oh God, and know my heart, try me and know my thoughts, see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me to the way everlasting" Psalm 139:23-24

In the next chapter of Is. we find this scripture:

"Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you,and therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you, for the LORD is a God of justice;How blessed are all those who long for Him" Isaiah 30:18

How cool! He longs to be gracious to us and waits on high to show us compassion(just to think, He hurts for us...for those of you who worked M-Fuge...I could go into the whole definition of Compassion and bust out Day 2 Bible study and the Greek terms, but I will spare you this time) I mean amazing! Jaw drowing good! Gosh, there are so many people that I know who I wished would long for Him. May my friends and family long for Him. May the women and children of this shelter long for Him. May this world long for Him. He's waiting!!!

I could keep going on but I think I'll spare you this time :)


21 enero 2005

Blah blah blah

Wow! What a day. Today I got to take in a new lady. I thankfully think that I finally have the procedure down, well almost...I flet like "The Flash" most of the day. OK, so I ate way too much for dinner. Of course around here Thursdays are THE NIGHT to eat. The lady who cooks totally goes all out. Yum. Then I went to Bible study. It was so refreshing to be with people my own age and that are at a similar place in life. We studied Ecc. 1 & 2. Good stuff. Then one of the guys asked me about Nashvegas and if I'd ever met any famous people. I mentioned that I met Amy Grant once. OH MY GOSH, dude was sooooooo excited. I don't think he'll remember my name (well, actually, I'm not sure who all will actually get my name correct b/c there were like 2 Katies, Kate, Krista, Carrie, etc. Kinda crazy) but my cool point meeter is totally through the roof with him. lol. So, Kate and I stopped at Quick Trip (it's big stuff 'round here) to get drinks and what do I do? Lock my keys in the car and my cell phone was in the car too...needless to say we were in the store for about and hour waiting on the lady to bring the keys. I think the guy who worked there was about to ask us to go clubbing....ugh. So, that was my night. I could write a book about all the craziness I've had here.

OK, so on a serious not...I know, time to get spiritual...let's talk about identity. My official job is a "Missionary" but you know. we are to be that all the time. Even if we don't have the officail NAMB or IMB or whatever title. Our flesh has been crucified (see Gal. 2:20) and it's by faith that we live. The things of this world, the wealth, fame, money, etc, etc, they will all be gone with our time comes to leave the earth (See Ecc. 1&2). How to often we find ourselves concerned about the world opinions and standards when in reality, we, the "Little Christs" have a perfect standard to uphold. However, this standard can't be reached on it's own, that's where we have to lay it all down before the Lord! (Easier said then done and trust me I'm pointing a finger at myself too). It's so easy to think that we really know Him because we are serving Him but in essence we haven't given Him the time of day. I don't know about you, but I want to know Him. I want His desires to be my desires. I want to go where He leads. Although, sometimes I fight and argue against what I know He's called me to do (see Romans 7). But it all boils down to this, I am His. I must continue to lay it down-my wants, desires, pride, selfishness, etc...I have to let it go. God is jealous and we must give Him what He deserves. We are His and identified with Him. I am so glad that He, thankfully, forgives us and takes as is(see 1st John 1:9)- no matter what background we come from. He is bigger than our problems or present circumstancs (see 2nd Cor. 4:16-18). He loves us no matter what. He will be glorified, no matter what. It's all about His business and I just happen to be a vessel that He uses. I am identified by Him. I am His!

Ok, enough. it's time for bed!

14 enero 2005


WOW, where to start. God is really showing me so much these days! I can't believe where He has brought me...to a homeless shelter in OK. They keep telling me that I need to stay for 2 years, we'll see. I have applied for journeyman and am waiting to hear back from IMB. I have accepted the M-Fuge job in Charleston, SC!

Anyways, it's amazing how much we take for granted until we are in need. The women that I work with break my heart. I can't even begin to understand what it feels like to be abused. What a horrible situation. Pklease lift these women up in prayer, they need healing in a variety of ways.

I was reading in Isaih last night and found this verse:

When men tell you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living? Isaiah 8:19 NIV

It makes me think about how just after Jesus rose the angel (I think) said "Why do you look for the living among the dead" hmm....

If we are in Christ we are alive and new creations, we need to live as such. We need to be His missionaries or amabassadors. (see 2nd Cor. 5:17-20) Ok, so I'm not sure where I was going with that but anyways.

God is good! I'll write more when my thoughts are collected and I've had some rest.